JAHR Business Solutions
LET'S TALK: 1-901-604-9406 for Notary or 1-901-736-9248 for Resume'
Tennessee Notary Public,
Resume' Writer and Business Coach
Today is the perfect time to update your resume’…before you need it! Does your resume’ cover letter reflect your current position? Any recently completed training or up-to-date software skills? Have you thought about changing jobs? Know of a company opening an office in your locale? Would you like to get more job offers? Call us for help at 901-736-9248. Please complete the form Resume Contact Client Information and submit it today for a free consultation.
$199 +Tax NEW 1-page RESUME
$99 +Tax UPDATED 1-page RESUME
LinkedIn Profile
Add a LinkedIn Banner and a LinkedIn Profile to your resume package.
$49 +Tax LinkedIn Profile
Things to do before the interview…
Necessary things to say during the interview that will get you “hired for the job”.
Important things to do after the interview to add value to yourself…
"Training is yours, just ask for it."
We take the responsibility to professionally care for the client and the client benefits in return. By having the client complete a survey evaluation, we are allowing the client to share in the success of our business, as well as, create value in the client.